Spinach Perpetual

Perpetual spinach is actually a chard (beet family) but is very similar to true spinach in flavour, but it is much easier to grow and far more vigorous than true spinach. It also has the advantage of constantly producing a new crop when picked and so is ideally suited to gardening in a small space. It's a biennial that is grown as an annual for its big crinkly leaves. The stalks are red or white with large, dark green leaves that can be used as lettuce is used. Chard prefers well-worked soil with good drainage and a high organic content; it does not like acid soil. The crop needs enough water to keep the leaves growing quickly, so keep the soil moist at all times.

NZ$ 6.90 including GST
NZ$ 6.00 excluding GST
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Plant Zero 2006 Ltd


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