M 8403

Knotted shirt dress with sleeve and length variations. Dress has side waist cutout, collar, collar stand, double yoke, front bands, and back invisible zipper closure.

Difficulty: Average

Suitable Fabrics:
Cotton Blends, Linen, Poplin, Stable Knits.
Interfacing: Lightweight Fusible.

NZ$ 30.00
NZ$ 26.99 including GST
[{"colour":"","size":"4-12","price":26.99,"qty":1,"pid":3791936,"style":"","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/287029/pid3791935/8403.JPG","title":"M 8403"},{"colour":"","size":"12-20","price":26.99,"qty":1,"pid":3791937,"style":"","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/287029/pid3791935/8403.JPG","title":"M 8403"}]

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