MicroMed NZ

Spray-on Probiotic for Dogs and Horses


MicroMed spray-on probiotic effectively treats any external bacterial or fungal infection by re-establishing the healthy microbes and in so doing, crowds out any detrimental organisms.  MicroMed has been getting fantastic results since they launched their product onto the NZ market in August 2018.  As Maria Brown, Director of MicroMed announced, "We saw a gap in the market - pet owners kept telling us that there were no truly effective remedies out there and after using our product, were astounded at the immediate improvements!  In horses, there was no need to pick off mud fever scabs before applying the treatment, and it could be used in the horse racing industry as it was non-swabbable.  Some dog owners had even disclosed to us that after trying everything, they had even considered having their pet put down it was in so much distress with its skin issues".  

Not only is MicroMed now able to provide safe, effective all-natural treatment to help pets and pet-owners nationwide, they also donate product to any pet rescue centre as part of their commitment to end suffering of animals in NZ.  On top of all this, they offer a money-back satisfaction guarantee on their product also.

https://www.micromed.org.nz/testimonials.html for great testimonials

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