Edison Clinic

Edison's holistic health system focuses on the early detection of health risks, prevention of illness, and optimisation of health and wellness via DNA testing, genetic profiling, and state of the art biometric analysis.


Edison Health is the doctor of the future. The company imagines a world in which healthcare is a symbiotic integration of preventative healthcare, and the standard model of healthcare. This new model redistributes management across a balanced system, and promises to unlock human potential like never before.

The Edison Protocol is Edison Health's core holistic health system. It focuses on the early detection of health risk factors, the prevention of illness, and the optimisation of health and wellness. Edison uses DNA testing, genetic profiling, and state of the art biometric analysis to create highly personalised and actionable recommendations to optimise and maintain health and longevity.

Given that almost a third of all deaths in NZ are caused by cardiovascular disease, Edison also plans to implement a targeted health plan designed to optimise heart health, cardiac biomarkers, and general health and well-being.

The science of human performance proves that physical and mental well-being is the foundation of sustainably high performance and improved stress resilience. Edison aims to help people live better, for longer. No other service can offer the level of insight that Edison offers, as Edison Health plans are as unique as the customers they are tailored for.

To find out more, visit the Edison website at https://www.edisonclinic.com/.

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