JP Franklin Roofing Auckland

For expert advice and/or a competitive estimate on all your Decramastic Tile Roof concerns, contact JP Franklin Roofing at 0800 456888 or In Auckland, we specialise in repairing and rebuilding Decramastic Tile Roofs. We can replace your old Decramastic Tile Roof with high-quality modern metal roofing, or we'd be pleased to talk about your other options.

Decramastic Tiles are scalloped metal tiles that are also known as pressed metal tiles, Decrabond, and "stone chip roofs." In New Zealand during the 1970s and 1980s, Decramastic Tile roofs were made and widely installed. Decramastic Tiles are no longer manufactured due to the inclusion of asbestos, and have been replaced by other metal tile kinds. There are still numerous original Decramastic Tile roofs on buildings in New Zealand, but because they are particularly susceptible to degradation over time, and because of new asbestos rules in New Zealand, there has been a surge in maintenance and replacement in recent years.

Do you have an ancient Decramastic Tile Roof that could be asbestos-containing? Is your Decramastic Tile Roof weathered, rusted, moss, mildew, or mold-infested?In Auckland, we specialise in repairing and rebuilding Decramastic Tile Roofs. We can replace your Decramastic or Concrete Tile Roof with high-quality modern metal roofing, or we can talk about your alternative roofing options.


Contact us at JP Franklin Roofing on 0800 456888 or visit for professional advice and/or a competitive quote for all your Decramastic Tile Roof issues.

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JP Franklin Roofing
New Zealand
Mon - Fri (06:00am-06:00pm) Sun (06:00am-06:00pm)

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