LINK Business Brokers

By investing heavily in employee education and upholding rigid quality standards, LINK has established itself as the industry standard in mergers and acquisitions.

When selling a business, it is crucial to acquire the best possible price. With the goal of increasing your company's sale price, we've introduced a half-day seminar in which we share our knowledge and recommendations.

As a business owner, you owe it to yourself, your partners, and your heirs to do everything possible to increase the value of your firm. LINK has been a business broker of choice since 1996, and our network of experts covers the gamut from selling micro businesses in nz to multibillion dollar conglomerates.

In addition to assessing the value of the business for sale in Rotorua, business appraisers frequently use the same valuation methodologies to settle shareholder disputes, divorce cases, and estate issues. They utilize these valuations for a variety of other purposes as well, including settling inheritance and gift tax disputes, valuing a partner's ownership interest in a buy-sell agreement, and allocating the purchase price of a corporation among the company's assets.

If you want to make sure you're maximizing your company's worth through the adoption of outstanding actionable information, this half-day event will provide you the knowledge, skills, and confidence you need to do just that.

The LINK team is proud of its history and is committed to maintaining the company's distinctive approach to customer service and revenue generation.

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LINK Business Brokers
New Zealand

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